Wednesday, February 1, 2017

More Letters, More Fun!!

  ק  KOOF

ק Koof makes a "k" sound and has a Keshet (rainbow) . Your child now knows 2 letters that make a "k" sound, (koof) and (kaf). Here are some words that begin with a koof:

                                                       Rainbow      Keh-shet      קֶשֶׁת

                                                  Community    K-he-lah         קְהִלָּה

                                                       Monkey         Kof              קוֹף

           Small          Ka-tan             קָטָן

      Summer          Ka-yetz           קַיִץ

         Cold              Kar                   קַר

        Holy             Ka-dosh               קָדוֹשׁ

      TSADEE  צ

Our letter last week was the letter צ (tsadee). צ makes a "ts" sound. A way to remember צ is to look at the triangles that the letter creates. The triangles look like pizza slices that were removed. When you say the word pizza, the sound that is created by the "zz" sound is identical to that of the letter. Here are some words we learned this week:

Color     Tseh-va     צֶבַע

Bird        Tsee-por     צִפּוֹר

Turtle     Tsav         צָב

North      Tsa-phone        צָפוֹן

Frog       Tsfar-day-ah     צְפַרְדֵּעַ

Tzedakah                       צְדָקָה

Yellow       Tsa-hov          צָהֹוב

Can you believe we learned our third vowel?!

This week we learned the Hebrew vowel known as a "chirik". The vowel makes an "e" sound. For example, the sound that is created by the letter "e" in the the word k"e"y. Like our other 2 vowels it is found underneath the letter. Here are the ways I teach the kids to remember its sound.

1.) It's one dot so it's so "E"asy to remember. 
2.) Also, it looks like a single pea.

Sometimes this vowel is followed by the letter י (yud). Despite the addition of the י (yud) we still say only "e".

Judaics Update:  

Captain Chesed came for a visit and Mechina earned their Chesed Badges! WOOHOO!

 Kibud Av V'Em  (Honoring Your Father and Mother)

Last week in Judaics, we focused on the mitzvah of honoring our parents. We discussed all that our parents give to us, and all we can do to honor them.  Mechina learned that it is a commandment (mitzvah)  to honor your parents. In addition, we spoke about the ways we fulfill this mitzvah now, as well as how we can fulfill it in the future.  We are even finishing up a secret surprise for you! Shh....