Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Guest Morah!

We were so excited to have Morah Kelly as a guest Morah last Friday.  Our lesson was all about the Omer.  The Omer is the 49 days between Passover and Shavuot. It marks the seven weeks it took the Jews in the desert to get from Egypt to Mount Sinai.  It is also the remembering of the barley harvest, which was marked by the Omer offering in the Temple.  

Getting ready to grind our own barley to make an omer.

We learned it was a hard but fun job.

Friday, April 21, 2017

I know it's been a while...awesomeness has been in progress!

Ayin, Nun, and Chet Oh my...

The letter ע (ayin) is very similar to the letter א (alef) in that they are both silent unless paired with a vowel. Below are some useful words that start with ע (ayin). We knew a lot of the words already.

Pencil e-pa-roan עִפָּרוֹן

Eye ah-yeen עַיִן

Eyes ay-nah-yeem עֵינַיִם

Tomato ag-va-ne-yah עַגְבָנִיָּה

Ten eh-ser עֶשֶׂר

Hebrew eve-reet עִבְרִית

Cake oo-ga עוּגָה

The next letter we learned was נ (nun). נ makes a "n" sound and is very small in size. It's like there is "nun"(none) there. The following are some נ words we practiced in class.

candle nehr   נֵר

candles nehr-ot   נֵרוֹת

Snake Na-chash   נָחָשׁ

Shoe na-al       נַעַל

Prophet. Nah-vee    נָבִיא

Miracle nehs     נֵס

The letter ח ( Chet ) makes a "ch" sound, just like כ (chaf). Although they look different and have a different name, how great is it that they make the same sound! There are lots of great ח (chet) words. Here are the ones we learned.

Challah חַלָּה

Milk Cha-lav חָלָב

Cat Cha-tool חָתוּל

Life Cha-yeem חַיִּים

Window Cha-lohn חַלּוֹן

Hot Cham חַם

Chanukiah Cha-nu-key-ah חֲנֻכִּיָּה

י (yud) makes a "y" sound, like the y in yarn. We remember the י yud by thinking of it as being young. Things that are young tend to be little like י yud. Also, both words have a beginning "y" sound.

Green Ya-rok    יָרֹק

Hand    Yad       יָד

Girl     Yal-dah יַלְדָּה

Boy     Yeh-led   יֶלֶד

Wine    Ya-yin    יַיִן

Israel Yis-ra-el  יִשְׂרָאֵל

The letter ט (tet) makes a "t" sound. As we have ת (tav) that makes the same sound, here is how we remember which is which.

ט Tet has a tear
ת Tav has a tail

Phone Tel-eh-phone טֶלֶפוֹן

Hike Tee-ul  טִיּוּל

Ring Ta-ba-at   טַבַּעַת

Good Tov    טוֹב

Tallit Ta-leet    טַלִּית

Nature Teh-va   טֶבַע

Tennis Teh-nees טֶנִיס


Drum roll please...announcing the arrival of a new vowel!  This new vowel makes an "O" sound and its dot can be found Over its body. It also has super powers that can make its body invisible.  If the body disappears but the dot is still over a letter we say "O",