Monday, September 26, 2016

To learn to read Hebrew, I have taught Mechina that we take the letter sound PLUS the vowel sound and that gives us the WHOLE sound.  They have learned 2 vowels, both make an "ah".  I am amazed at how well they are blending sounds!  We will continue this week with the letter ל LAMED.
 In Judaics, we will continue learning about Rosh Hashanah.

In the word Shabbat below, you see both of our new vowels.


This week we will be learning the letter ל (lamed). Lamed  makes a "l" sound. Lamed also looks like a lightening bolt. Here are some  ל (lamed) words.

Why               La-mah            למה

Heart              Lehv                  לב

Lulav                                       לולב

Lemon             Lee-mon         לימון

Bread               Le-chem         לחם

Pancakes       Leh-vee-vot      לביבות


The letter מ (mem) makes a "m" sound. The fact that מ (mem) looks like a mountain, helps us to remember both its name and sound. Here are some words that we learned that start with מ (mem).

Teacher Mo-rah מורה

Juice Me-itz מיץ

King / Ruler meh-lech מלך

Matzah מצה

Mezzuzah מְזוּזָה


 שׁ (shin) makes a "sh" sound and can be found in words like שלום (Shalom). Notice that the dot is on the right.

Words we learned that start with a שׁ:

Seven Sheh-va שׁבע

Year Sha-nah שׁנה

Shofar Sho-far שׁופר

Shabbat שׁבּת



Bet makes a "b" sound and has a belly button and a bench in the back.  Here are some (Bet) words:

House          Ba-yit          בַּיִת   

Baby Doll    Bu-ba          בֻּבָּה

Daughter      Bat             בַּת

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Welcome to THE BEEHIVE! 

THE BEEHIVE is your up to date blog for Mechina's Hebrew and Judaics.  As we learn new letters, I will be posting the letter and some helpful tips for remembering them.  I will also share with you any mitzvah or chag (holiday) that we may be studying.  Oh, and of course lots and lots of pictures.

Your first step in joining THE BEEHIVE is getting to this blog. (Check)  STEP 2:  Please follow this blog by email to receive a notification when there is a new post.  You should see the follow by email box to your right.

We have already learned so much, and I can't wait to share it with you in tomorrow's post!