Saturday, October 1, 2016

Along with our Hebrew learning this week we continued to focus on Rosh HaShanah.  We made wonderful cards and crafts for the chag (holiday).  Most importantly, each child learned the meaning and the traditions of the Jewish New Year.

The Pomegranateרִמּוֹן (re-mon)

Said to contain 613 seeds, just as the Torah as 613 mitzvot.  Symbolizes hoping our new year is filled with mitzvot.

Apple & Honey:  תַּפּוּחַ (ta-poo-ach)  דְּבַשׁ  (d'vash)  

We dip apples and challah into honey so that we may have a Sweet New Year.

Fish:  רֹאשׁ דָּג  (rosh dag)

We want to be the head of the fish (a leader) in the New Year, not the tail (a follower).

Shofar  שׁוֹפָר

The shofar is blown throughout the month of Elul.  It is a reminder that the Days of Awe are coming and that it is time to reflect on our behavior.  It is a mitzvah to hear the shofar.  On Rosh Hashanah, in some synagogues, the shofar is sounded as many as 100 times throughout the 2 days.

Round Challah  חלה עגולה (cha-lah a-go-la)

On Rosh Hashanah we eat round challah to remind us of the cycle of life.

Card    כַּרְטִיס בְּרָכָה  (kar-tes b-ra-cha)

We send cards of blessing to our friends and family on Rosh Hashanah because we would like them to have a sweet new year.

Wishing you all a healthy and happy new year!

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