Monday, November 28, 2016

Oh Yeah! More New Letters!

More New Letters

This week, the letter ב (vet) will be our focus.  Just like several other Hebrew letters, vet is a fraternal twin! Yep, ב (vet) is בּ (bet)'s twin.  It is very easy to tell they are in the same family because the only difference is that vet has no belly button.  A great way to remember the difference, is to say:

  A  בּ (bet)  WITHOUT a bellybutton is a ב (vet).

In the past few weeks Mechina has also learned the letters
 כ (chaf) and ר (reish).

  • כ (chaf) is a fraternal twin to the letter  כּ (kaf).  כ makes a "ch" sound, think of l'CHaim.  The sound is created at the back of the throat.

  • ר (reish) makes a "r" sound and has a round roof. The fact that its roof is round will be important later on.

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