Thursday, January 12, 2017


The one and only א (ALEPH)

       We have officially learned the most famous letter in the Aleph-Bet, א (aleph). Aleph is different from the other letters we have learned because...א is silent unless it has a vowel. NO VOWEL= NO SOUND. Here are some very important and interesting א words.

Red       Ah-dom        אדום

Lion     Ar-yeh       אריה

Mom     E-mah     אמא

Dad       Ah-ba     אבּא

Food      Oh-chel    אכל

Spring    Ah-vev    אביב

Letter (in a word) Oh-t     אות


Vav makes a "v" sound, and looks like a ורד (vered:rose) It has a bud on the top and a thin stem. .  Be careful, lots of people think it's a reish.  You have to look for a short top on ו (vav).The following are the ו (vav) words that we learned this week.

Pink       Va-roh-d     ורוד

Forever     Va-ed     ועד

Curtain       Ve-lon       וילון

Rose         Veh-red     ורד


Derech Eretz (Having Manners / Being Polite)

To best learn this mitzvah, we used our very own classroom and school.  In fact, we even made a video to show you!  The video is done and will be sent by email.  ENJOY!

Talmud Torah (Studying Torah) 

This mitzvah was one of Mechina's favorite in 2016. Talmud Torah is the mitzvah of studying Torah. To do this Mitzvah, we learned the blessing for the study of Torah and began to read from a child's Torah. Much of our conversation was about the reason we study Torah. Torah Study is important because the Torah teaches us lessons. From how to be kind to others, how to be a good leader, etc...

In addition, we created a beautiful Torah art project, complete with the blessing. It will be coming home next week.

Chesed ( Kindness)

This week in Judaics we studied חסד (chesed),kindness. We discussed the many ways we show חסד now, and how we can show it in the future. Also, Mechina learned that many acts of loving kindness is called Gimilut Chasadim.  I introduced the class to Captain Chesed aka Capatin Kindess.  They were able to see a picture of him, but in order to meet him in real life and get their Chesed Badge they need to do Gimilut Chasadim.  Please be on the lookout and feel free to share Gimilut Chasadim that you see at home by email. 

We also read "Ordinary Mary's Extraordinary deed" and discussed that Chesed is Contagious!

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