Sunday, November 27, 2016

Judaics: Mitzvot

Along with all the Hebrew we are learning, we have also been learning about several mitzvot.

Bikur Cholim (Visiting the Sick)

To learn about this mitzvah we read the book Get Well Soon . It tells the story of a young boy that is eager to do the mitzvah of Bikur Cholim.  It shows all the ways that we can help those that are sick. Here are some examples we discussed:

1.) Making a card
2.) Bringing them food
3.) Visiting them and keeping them company
4.) Reading them a book
5.) Sending Flowers

In class we decided to create Refuah Sh'lema (Get Better) cards for patients at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. It was amazing seeing them so excited to help brighten another child's day.

TALMUD TORAH (Studying Torah)

For the past couple of week's we have focused on this mitzvah. Talmud Torah is the mitzvah of studying Torah. To do this Mitzvah, we learned the blessing for the study of Torah and began to read from a child's Torah. Much of our conversations have been  about why we study Torah. Torah study is important because the Torah teaches us lessons.  In addition, we are in the process of creating a beautiful Torah art project, complete with the blessing. It will be coming home next week.

Oh, and did I mention they are learning that the Torah has 5 books and that they are learning their names.

Saying Thank You to Our Veterans.
Mechina & Kindergarten created special posters for our Veteran's day Shabbat.

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